If you do not have a vacuum cleaner and you wish to clean the couch properly then the methods here will be of utmost use to you. Dry cleaning the couch at home is not at all tough. Here are some of how to dry clean the Sofa at home. But the first thing is that you must try and get the manual or the label on which the instructions might be written. Read the same thoroughly and get a basic idea about how the sofa cleaning should be done.

- Use a lint roller to attract the dust particles
If you are not using the vacuum cleaner then you should use the lint roller to attract the dust particles. Roll it all over the couch and see how the dust particles will get attracted to the same.
- Steam clean the couch
If you want your couch to be clean in every sense then you can select stem cleaning the couch. In this, there will be freedom from dirt marks, stains, and grime. You can either do steam cleaning on your own with the machine that you have at home or you can call a professional couch cleaner.
- Remove the stains with vinegar and liquid detergent
The next step will be to spot the stains and this includes pet stains, watermarks, food stains, and so on. You must clean the stains properly with the help of vinegar and liquid detergent. If you come across any stains, you must be fast enough to clean the same. This is how you can maintain the appearance of the couch.
- Clean the sofa with the damp cloth
You can make the couch a bit damp with a damp cloth. Now, move the cloth around the couch fully. You will see that there will be no dust particles around once you clean the sofa well. But as soon as you are done with that, you must look out for fan drying or sun drying the same.
- Use baking soda powder to remove the bad smell coming from the couch
How to Dry Clean A Couch
Baking soda is also considered one of the leading deodorizers. If you sprinkle the same on the sofa and then mop the same or remove the same, you will see that there will be no smell coming from the couch. You will love the freshness that comes from your couch.
Many people prefer How to Dry clean the sofa at home and so what matters the most is, which is the way that you are going to adopt? If you do not want to vacuum clean the dust on the couch or if you do not have a vacuum cleaner at home then you should give a try to the other options. The above dry cleaning methods for cleaning the couch will give you the best solutions. Plan things in such a way that there are no issues at all and there can be better solutions. Make an appointment with our professionals. Our professional providing services in Brisbane and nearby like Toowoomba, Ipswich, Gold Coast, Sunshine Cost and more nearby locations.
Published on: February 23, 2023
Last updated on: September 19, 2023